Hadley’s Ghost Jobs


Hadley* is a scientist and physician. Like many in her field, particularly scientists with doctoral degrees, she grew used to no pay and low pay. Then she moved into the business world. Big Business. Because she had limited business experience, she took what amounted to an entry-level position designed to introduce academics to commercial realities. The company rotated her through several departments until it realized it had struck gold. Platinum, really. Hadley threw herself into the job and they gave her a new title but only a modest increase in pay.

Very modest.

Hadley knew she could do better but needed backing. So she called us. We went to work in the way we do, sourcing her market value, learning the business of her employer at warp speed, and, finally, asking for an organization chart.

The org chart sealed the deal. It demonstrated on its face that she was not only doing her own high level work (for which she was being underpaid approximately $200K/year) but she was doing the jobs of people who hadn’t yet been hired. No wonder she was frazzled. But you know scientists and physicians, they’re used to long hours, sudden emergencies and, too often, inadequate staffing.

We put together a persuasive case for a significant increase in Hadley’s compensation in addition to commitments by the company to fill the jobs Hadley was doing without pay. We walked her through every conversation about the company’s needs and constructed a narrative that demonstrated how the interests of Big Business dove-tailed perfectly with her own. Hadley walked away with a total compensation package that suited the realities of the unique value she provided to the company as the lead in a program that was too big to fail.

Along the way, we mutually crafted a script that fit Hadley’s own communication style so that the negotiation didn’t feel too aggressive, too wimpy or too awkward.

Our strategy in her authentic voice. A winning combination.

*not her real name

If you’re here, you’re already a superstar. Let us help you earn what you deserve.