We Add Master Mind Groups to Our Services
Strength in Numbers
Our New Master Mind Option
We return to our original master mind offer
When Lisa Gates and I founded She Negotiates ten years ago, we did so with online master mind training sessions. Our first group of women (all of whom have achieved astonishing success and recognition in the past decade) all said that the course was a transformative experience. They not only realized and actualized their true market value, they went on to teach their spouses and teenaged children how to negotiate their way out of conflict and improve their relationships (at work for spouses and school for the youngsters).
We didn’t expect that but it pleased us.
We soon had so many individual clients that we stopped running online courses. They were priced too low and consumed way too much of our time. Eight years later, with Lisa launching her own business, Story Happens Here, in 2019, I refined the way in which I consulted with and coached women to radically improve their work lives and substantially increase their compensation. My only problem was my inability to serve women for less money. My Hundred Buck Hour allowed me to reach most women, including those with less than six figure incomes. But I wanted to do more for them and for anyone else who was looking for a comprehensive program that wasn’t focused on their immediate needs. Many women tend to call me a few days before a final interview or compensation negotiation, which is barely enough time to scratch the surface of a process that has consistently delivered 20-50% (and sometimes 100%) increases in compensation along with one or two-step promotions. I wanted to give women an option to learn and prepare weeks, maybe even months in advance.
So I decided to re-launch our original six-week course/Master Mind group limited to five members. I can put these groups together for you with women in similar, but not identical, professions, industries and occupations or you can gather together five of your high-achieving friends and apply for a slot in the new Master Mind together.
what’s it gonna cost?
I’ve priced the Master Mind at $999, a steep discount from individual consulting/coaching (see our price structure here). Nine ninety nine might sound like a lot, but many of our clients have focused on the return on their investment. If you’re making, say $100K/year and achieve a minimum 20% increase, that’s $20,000 in this year alone, not to mention next year and the year after that.
So here’s what the Master Mind will provide:
up to date information on your market value together with negotiation advice from insiders in your industry via a free 81cents.com report
weekly work-sheets
lists of compensation negotiation best practices
tailored individual plans that will bring you up to market value
the identity of all internal and external power brokers willing to use their influence on your behalf
an assessment of each member’s negotiation partners’ interests and how to “pitch” your proposal to satisfy those interests
role plays and scripts that will walk you through the necessary conversations to secure the promotion or get the raise you deserve
hour-long weekly group Zoom or Skype chats in which we will work together on all these elements of a successful career, promotion and compensation strategy, focusing the first session on the group and each subsequent session on one group member.
This is a $2500-$5500 value, enhanced by the group setting. After ten years of career/compensation work with women in nearly every industry, profession and occupation, I can attest to the astonishing power of collaboration.
And if you and your cohorts live in the Los Angeles area, I am happy to convene this group live in six two-hour sessions at my home in the Beverly Grove (mid-City West) for the same services (but a deeper examination) at a cost of $1,500 per Master Mind member.
Here’s the link to all our offerings, including the initial Hundred Buck Hour, individual flat-fee packages, executive coaching and the new Master Mind series.