If We Do the Math Girls, We'll Close the Wage Gap all by Our Little Selves Victoria PynchonSeptember 3, 2010Negotiation, She NegotiatesComment
negotiating from a position of weakness Interest Based NegotiationVictoria PynchonAugust 31, 2010Comment
generating options to satisfy your bargaining partners' (and your own!) interests Victoria PynchonAugust 22, 2010Comment
when women negotiate they change the world around them Conflict Resolution, Education and Learning, PeacemakingVictoria PynchonJuly 28, 2010Comment
yes, virginia, there's still a glass ceiling but it has a silver lining Pay EquityVictoria PynchonJuly 24, 2010Comment
you can't be too confident to negotiate a better deal Education and Learning, Pay EquityVictoria PynchonJuly 22, 2010Comment
Her salary expectations were so low she nearly lost the job Pay EquityVictoria PynchonJuly 18, 2010Comment
a new kind of negotiation: capturing value by honoring values Victoria PynchonJuly 16, 2010Lisa Gates, Negotiation for Women, She Negotiates, Values, Victoria Pynchon Comment
relentlessly pleasant? it's the power of nice Victoria PynchonJuly 11, 2010She Negotiates, The Power of Nice, Whitney JohnsonComment
Women are Born Negotiators Victoria PynchonJuly 10, 2010ForbesWoman, She Negotiates, Victoria PynchonComment